Monday, August 13, 2007

day 2: fredericton to kingston (1107 km)

we bid adieu to freddy beach 1 last time very early on Sunday morning and began our trek to our 2nd stop, kingston. we were greeted with some very thick and eerie fog about an hour into the drive that lasted for what felt like an eternity. the remainder of the drive was uneventful and we drove into k-town around 5pm.

thanks to our lovely hostess, jenn, for the great supper and company. we would have loved to have stayed longer, but our future was forecasting a 13-hour drive the following day - destination: chicago!


Kandy and Kirk said...

Hey, you guys are really moving, I never thought you would make it so far so fast. That is a beautiful pic of you and Chris.

Erin said...

Aimee your pictures are really great! I've started checking your blog almost as much as I check gacebook...keep it coming! Miss you guys. Drive safely....and sorry for bawling like a smacked 2 year-old at the wedding. Though I guess you wouldn't expect anything less from a drunken me. xxoo

Cubanada2030 said...

Sounds like a fun trip! I look forward to the windsurfing pics when you get to the Gorge. And Aimee, I want to see you out on the water! Hope you have a chance to see a bit of Chicago too.
Happy trails:)